3 popty, 6 golya, 8 collel, 10 dauncya, 11 cùsca, 12 den, 14 bugh, 16 eskys, 17 davas, 18 eva, 20 gromercy, 21 elyn


1 canstel, 2 mordardh, 4 ergh, 5 gwil, 7 hanow, 8 carr, 9 loren, 12 dhyrag, 13 scovarn, 14 boosty, 15 garr, 19 dorn

Note that the first and second editions of the Skeul an Tavas coursebook use earlier spellings buwgh and bôsty. The spelling boosty more accurately reflects the pronunciation. As for bugh, this reflects the formal pronunciation. If the gh is clipped off in colloquial speech (as often occurs), the word rhymes with du 'black', ending with a w-sound. This w-sound is sometimes imported by analogy into the unclipped form.