Studh 13 mis Metheven 2023


Ian Jackson

The format and abbreviations are the same as in Gerlyver Kescows, with one refinement. In these listings a middle dot following a vowel sound shows that primary stress is on that syllable (in cases where it is not the penultimate syllable); a double vertical line after a disyllabic or polysyllabic word indicates that it contains two syllables with more-or-less equal prominence.


An English-Cornish listing will be found after the Cornish-English section. 

an Army the Army, the military

an rêwl a whegh phr the rule of six

an wolok dhyragon phr the outlook (for the future)

ancertuster uncertainty

anellans breathing

anhonenus adj unselfish, considerate

anhonenuster unselfishness, consideration (for others)

anwywder [ha camwonys] phr incompetence

arbenygor m arbenygoryon expert

arbrojy m arbrojiow laboratory

arfedhysogyon gorrys dhe sygerneth phr furloughed staff

arwedhyow par hag anwesva phr flu-like symptoms

asnodhow pl resources

assayes cly·nycal clinical trials

augrym m augrymow algorithm

begh vîrek viral load

berranal breathlessness

bohes y wovenek adj pessimistic

bollbrynt m bollbryntys slide (presentation)

bos clevejys a’n vîrùs phr catch the virus

bos in omwith phr be shielding

bos prevys negedhek orth an vîrùs phr test negative for the virus

bos prevys po·sytyf orth an vîrùs phr test positive for the virus

bothel f bothlow bubble (protective etc)

brâs y wovenek adj optimistic

breghlynm breghlydnow ‖ vaccine

breha vaccinate

briansen throat

bys may hyller ragweles for the foreseeable future

cafadêwder availability

chain a brovians m chainys supply chain

chy cûr m treven cûr care home

clâv a’n vîrùs phr ill with the virus

clevejus adj infectious

clevejuster infectiousness

clevejy infect

clevejyans infection

cleves epydemyk epidemic

cleves pandemyk pandemic

cleves wheja nausea, vomiting

clojy m clojiow hospital

clot goos m clottys goos blood clot

colgh m colhow spike (in infections)

coll sens a sawor phr loss of taste and smell

colom f kelemy dove

comen-spyryscommunity spirit, neighbourliness

complethterow covyd pl covid complications

coverfu curfew

covyd hir long covid

Covyd Nawnjek Covid-19


cowethas iliow f cowethasow iliow pharmaceutical company

Cowethyans Yêhes an Bÿs The World Health Organization (WHO)

cresen breha f cresednow vaccination centre

cresen prevy f cresednow testing centre

cudhlenfâss f cudhlednow face covering


cùssulyor sciensek m cùssulyoryon sciensek scientific advisor

daffar prevy testing kit

dassordya an eco·nomy phr restart the economy

dastarth m dastardhow further outbreak

degeans closure (of business etc)

derivadow pùb jorna dhe’n wask daily press briefing

dew vêter alês / an eyl orth y gela phr two metres apart

dobyl-vreha double-jab

dogen m dognow dose

dornlien paper m dornlienyow paper tissue

dosbarthans triage

dourwith intensive care

dry in dadn rêwl phr bring under control

dryppyn m drypydnow droplet

dyberthva kelgh f dyberthvaow circuit break

dybreder adj unthinking, irresponsible

dyffransyn m dyffransydnow variant

dyscans kemyskys blended learning

dyscos adj vulnerable

dysêsys yw y anellans phr he has difficulty breathing

dystrotha v unlock

dystrothans unlocking

dystrybûtyans distribution (of supplies)

dyw seythen rag, dyw seythen mes phr two weeks on, two weeks off

dywysyans gwest hospitality industry / sector

ehen f ehenow strain (of virus)

enesa isolate

epydemyth m epydemydhyon epidemiologist

erna vo clôwys nampyth ken phr until further notice, open-ended

esely an teylu pl family members, relatives

esponencyal adj exponential

ev yw sawyes a’n vîrùs phr he has had the virus [and recovered]

ewnradna ration

eylgorthebek adj heterologous

fakel skevens pneumonia

fâls-derivadow disinformation

fâls-posytyf adj/m false positive

fara honenblêsys complacency

fardel scodhya m fardellow scodhya support package / programme

fest in leunstroth f festow lockdown party

fevyr fever, [high] temperature

fienasow pl anxiety

fowt cafadêwder non-availability

fug-apposyans m fug-apposyansow mock exam[ination]

furvwiradj virtual

gallos gorotham emergency powers

gasa an vîrùs dhe vos toth men phr let the virus rip

gedlînednowpl guidelines

An Gescresen rag Biosawder The Joint Biosecurity Centre

gevelldemyk m gevelldemygyon twindemic (covid and flu together)

gober cleves dre laha phr statutory sick pay

golhas dêwla handwash

gon chyrùrjery m gonow surgical gown

gorbeskys adj obese

gorlêsor m gorlêsoryon super-spreader

gorotham emergency

gorra i'n withva phr mothball

gorra twit phr tweet v

gorthcorfm gorthcorfow antibody

gradhegy grade

gradhegy wàr nans phr downgrade

gradhow apposyans pl examination grades

gwely clojy m gweliow hospital bed

gwestva hospitality

gweythor alwhedhek m gweythoryon key worker

gweythor yêhes m gweythoryon health worker

gwiasva f gwiasvaow website

gwia·synar m gwia·synars webinar

gwil musurow / stappys rag phr + verb-noun take measures / steps to

gwil scol tre phr to be home-schooling

gwithva stoffyes f gwithvaow stockpile

gwrewgh sensy pellder phr keep your distance

gwynsel f gwynsellow ventilator, respirator

heb arwedhyow phr without symptoms, asymptomatic

hensador m hensadoryon road-map (figuratively)

hernes diogely personal protective equipment (PPE)

hewil adj feasible, viable

hôk m hôkys hawk

hol-effeth m hol-effethyow side-effect

holya-trouvyaphr track-and-trace, contact tracing

honenus adj selfish, inconsiderate

honenuster selfishness, lack of consideration (for others)

imûneth immunity

imûneth gre herd immunity

in dadn brov phr experimental

in dadn ebron phr outdoor(s)

kensa skîtyans phr first injection

kentrevak m kentrevogyon neighbour

kescùssulyans an wask press conference

kevarwedhyans an Governans Government guidance

kevrath an morta·lyta mortality rate

kevrath an sawyans recovery rate, survival rate

kevreth golowys trafyk traffic light system

kildrof kildroyow ‖ recession

kyns arwedhyow phr presymptomatic

lêsa spread tr & intr

leunstroth ‖ m leunstrothow lockdown

leunstrothin udn vro phr local lockdown

level m levelyow level; tier

level an gwarnyans phr the alert level

lewyor lyfrêson m lewyoryon delivery driver

loneth f lonethy kidney

lowsel an leunstroth phr ease / lift / relax the lockdown

lyfrêson tre home delivery

mainys socyal pl social media

mêny m mênys household

mêny istynys m mênys extended household

merwel a’n vîrùs phr die from the virus

meth failure (of organ)

model statystyk m modelys statistical model

mothow pl shambles, fiasco

musurow costednys pl targeted measures

musurow / stappys dres kynda phr extraordinary measures

musurow / stappys diogely phr protective measures

mynk m myncas mink

na veu bythqweth kyns phr unprecedented

neus gwias col neujen [web] threads 

norma·lyta nowyth (not used with an) the new normal

nôtya announce

nôtyans sodhogyl m nôtyansow official announcement

nowedhy stroth wàr phr reimpose restrictions on

nyver reprodùcsyon (R) reproduction (R) number

nwyl empydnyon brain fog

ol goly i'n skevens phr lung scarring

omenesa self-isolate

omlêsa spread intr

omsawya recover (from the virus)

omwetha shield intr

Omycron Omicron

o·xygen (o·xyjyn) oxygen

pain i’n vriansen phr sore throat

pas cough

pas sëgh dry cough

passa cough

pathogen m pathogenow pathogen

pellder socyal social distancing

pelldyscans remote learning

pellvetyause video conferencing

peryl m perylyow danger, risk

peryllya endanger (somebody); risk (something)

pollgor cùssulya m pollgorow advisory committee

poynt a drailya an vontol phr tipping point

prenassa ownek fol panic-buy

prenassa wàr lînen phr shop on-line

prestyans daslebmel bounce back loan

prevy test

Prevy-TrouvyaTest and Trace

prov antygenek m provow antigen test

prov PCR m provow PCR test (PCR = Polymerase Chain Reaction = Dasoberyans Chain Polymerâs)

prov scon y gowlwil phr rapid turn-around test

purheor dêwla hand sanitizer

pych m pychow jab, shot (slang for injection: NB not skit, that means diarrhoea, see below)

pymthek nos phr fourteen days

pyngya v ping

pyngyans m pyngyansow ping

qwa·rantîn quarantine

rag tro phr temporary

re boos phr overweight

resystens resistance (to virus)

rethyans gorotham emergency legislation

reverthy overwhelm (the Health Service)

rumen ascûsys f rumednow exempt category

scant adj limited (resources etc)

scenaryô a’n gwelha câss best case

scenaryô a’n câss lacka oll worst case

sciensyth omdhonek m sciensydhyon behavioural scientist

scodhyans economyk economic support

secùnd skîtyans phr second injection

secùnd todn phr second wave

sensadow dres termyn phr sustainable

sensy pellder see [gwrewgh] sensy pellder

sensy pellder socyal phr to social-distance

servys lyfrêson m servyssyow delivery service

Servys Yêhes (not used with an) m The [National] Health Service (NHS)

shoppys na res phr non-essential shops, non-essential retail

skevens pl lungs

skew dhyffresus f skewyow dyffresus protective screen

skit diarrhoea

skîtyans m skîtyansow injection

skîtyans crefhem skîtyansow booster injection

sosten food (considered as a commodity)

spik prôtên m spîkys protein spike

sqwîthans fatigue

sqwîthans wosa vîrùs phr post-viral fatigue

stacyon glanythter m stacyons hygiene station

statystygyon pl statistics

stoffya an withva phr stockpile v

stra·tejy dos in mes phr stra·tejys exit strategy

strethassa·ym strethassayes lateral flow test


stumdrailyansm stumdrailyansow mutation

swàb m swabys swab

system imûneth immune system

tanow adj scarce

tanowder scarcity

tardh m tardhow outbreak

termyn gory incubation period

termyn strothys phr [for a] limited period

terstuth crisis

teylu ogas / nes close family, close relatives

tomva f tomvaow hotspot

torrva tan fire break

towlednyk Prevy-Trouvyaf Test and Trace app

tra (pl taclow) a yll happya phr contingency

trailya in y garn phr do a U-turn

tremencubmyas covyd m tremencumyasow covid pass

treuscorrans ‖ transmission (of the virus)

trewyas sputum

tryflek y wely phr triple-layer

tus ha yêhes gwadn gansa phr people with underlying health problems

tus ker pl loved ones

tylly dre garten phr pay by card

udn mêter alês / an eyl orth y gela phr one metre apart

uhel y beryl phr [at] high-risk

uhelboyntm uhelboyntys ‖ peak (in infections)

unsys dourwith m unsysow intensive care unit (ICU)

unsys prevy hevuf m unsysow mobile testing unit

vîrologyth m vîrologydhyon virologist

vîrùs m vîrùsow virus

vysour basnet m vysours visor

vysour fâss m vysours face mask

vysour chyrù·rjery m vysours surgical mask

warlergh kelghresterphr on a rota basis

wharvedhyans gorlêsa super-spreader event

whethfyans sodyn m surge

whythrans (orth) research (into)

whythrans poblek public inquiry


For genders and plural forms see the Cornish-English listing above.

advisory committee pollgor cùssulya

the alert level level an gwarnyans

algorithm augrym

announce nôtya

antibody gorthcorf

antigen test prov antygenek

anxiety fienasow

the Army an Army

asymptomatic heb arwedhyow

availability cafadêwder

behavioural scientist sciensyth omdhonek

best case scenaryô a’n gwelha câss

blended learning dyscans kemyskys

blood clot clot goos

booster injection skîtyans crefhe

bounce back loan prestyans daslebmel

brain fog nywl empydnyon

breathing anellans

breathlessness berranal

bring under control dry in dadn rêwl

bubble bothel

care home chy cûr

catch the virus bos clevejys a’n vîrùs

circuit break dyberthva kelgh

clinical trials assayes clynycal

close family teylu ogas / nes

close relatives teylu ogas / nes

closure (of business etc) degeans

community spirit comen-spyrys

complacency fara honenblêsys

considerate anhonenus

consideration (for others) anhonenuster

contingency tra a yll happya

coronavirus cùrunvîrùs

cough pas

cough passa

covid complications complethterow covyd

Covid-19 Covyd Nawnjek

covid pass tremencubmyas covyd

covidiot covydyot

crisis terstuth

curfew coverfu

daily press briefing derivadow pùb jorna dhe’n wask

danger peryl

delivery driver lewyor lyfrêson

delivery service servys lyfrêson

diarrhoea skit

die from the virus merwel a’n vîrùs

he has difficulty breathing dysêsys yw y anellans

disinformation fâls-derivadow

distribution (of supplies) dystrybûtyans

dose dogen

double-jab dobyl-vreha

dove colom

downgrade gradhegy wàr nans

droplet dryppyn

dry cough pas sëgh

ease the lockdown lowsel an leunstroth

economic support scodhyans economyk

emergency gorotham

emergency legislation rethyans gorotham

emergency powers gallos gorotham

endanger peryllya

epidemic cleves epydemyk

epidemiologist epydemyth

examination grades gradhow apposyans

exempt category rumen ascûsys

exit strategy stratejy dos in mes

experimental in dadn brov

expert arbenygor

exponential esponencyal

extended household mêny istynys

extraordinary measures musurow / stappys dres kynda

face covering cudhlen fâss

face mask vysour fâss

failure (of organ) meth

false positive fâls-posytyf

family members esely an teylu

fatigue sqwîthans

feasible hewil

fever fevyr

fiasco mothow

fire break torrva tan

first injection kensa skîtyans

food (considered as a commodity) sosten

fourteen days pymthek nos

flu-like symptoms arwedhyow par hag anwesva

for the foreseeable future bys may hyller ragweles

furloughed staff arfedhysogyon gorrys dhe sygerneth

until further notice erna vo clôwys nampyth ken

further outbreak dastarth

Government guidance kevarwedhyans an Governans

grade gradhegy

guidelines gedlînednow

he has had the virus ev yw sawyes a’n vîrùs

hand sanitizer purheor dêwla

handwash golhas dêwla

hawk hôk

health worker gweythor yêhes

herd immunity imûneth gre

heterologous eylgorthebek

[at] high-risk uhel y beryl

high temperature fevyr

home delivery lyfrêson tre

be home-schooling gwil scol tre

hospital clojy

hospital bed gwely clojy

hospitality gwestva

hospitality industry / sector dywysyans gwest

hotspot tomva

household mêny

hygiene station stacyon glanythter

ill with the virus clâv a’n vîrùs

immune system system imûneth

immunity imûneth

incompetence anwywder [ha camwonys]

inconsiderate honenus

incubation period termyn gory

infect clevejy

infection clevejyans

infectious clevejus

infectiousness clevejuster

injection skîtyans

intensive care dourwith

intensive care unit (ICU) unsys dourwith

irresponsible dybreder

isolate enesa

jab pych

The Joint Biosecurity Centre An Gescresen rag Biosawder

keep your distance [gwrewgh] sensy pellder

key worker gweythor alwhedhek

kidney loneth

laboratory arbrojy

lack of consideration (for others) honenuster

lateral flow test strethassay

let the virus rip gasa an vîrùs dhe vos toth men

level level

lift the lockdown lowsel an leunstroth

limited (resources etc) scant

[for a] limited period termyn strothys

local lockdown leunstroth in udn vro

lockdown leunstroth

lockdown party fest in leunstroth

long covid covyd hir

loss of sense of taste and smell coll sens a sawor

loved ones tus ker

lung scarring ol goly i’n skevens

lungs skevens

take measures to gwil musurow / stappys rag

the military an Army

mink mynk

mobile testing unit unsys prevy hevuf

mock examination(s) fug-apposyans

mortality rate kevrath an mortalyta

mothball gorra i'n withva

mutate stumdrailya

mutation stumdrailyans

The [National] Health Service (NHS) Servys Yêhes

nausea cleves wheja

neighbour kentrevak

the new normal normalyta nowyth

non-availability fowt cafadêwder

non-essential retail shoppys na res

non-essential shops shoppys na res

obese gorbeskys

official announcement nôtyans sodhogyl

Omicron Omycron

one metre apart udn mêter alês / an eyl orth y gela

open-ended erna vo clôwes nampyth ken

optimistic brâs y wovenek

outbreak tardh

outdoor(s) in dadn ebron

the outlook (for the future) an wolok dhyragon

overweight re boos

overwhelm (the Health Service) reverthy

oxygen oxygen (oxyjyn)

pandemic cleves pandemyk

panic-buy prenassa ownek fol

paper tissue dornlien paper

pathogen pathogen

pay by card tylly dre garten

PCR test prov PCR

peak (in infections) uhelboynt

personal protective equipment (PPE) hernes diogely

pessimistic bohes y wovenek

pharmaceutical company cowethas iliow

ping pyngya

ping pyngyans

pneumonia fakel skevens

post-viral fatigue sqwîthans wosa vîrùs

press conference kescùssulyans an wask

presymptomatic kyns arwedhyow

protective measures musurow / stappys diogely

protective screen skew dhyffresus

protein spike spik prôtên

public inquiry whythrans poblek

quarantine qwarantîn

rapid turn-around test prov scon y gowlwil

ration ewnradna

recession kildro

recover (from the virus) omsawya

recovery rate kevrath an sawyans

reimpose restrictions on nowedhy stroth wàr

relatives esely an teylu

relax the lockdown lowsel an leunstroth

remote learning pelldyscans

reproduction (R) number nyver reprodùcsyon

research (into) whythrans (orth)

resistance (to the virus) resystens

resources asnodhow

respirator gwynsel

restart the economy dassordya an economy

risk peryl

risk peryllya

road-map (figuratively) hensador

on a rota basis warlergh kelghrester

the rule of six an rêwl a whegh

scarce tanow

scarcity tanowder

scientific advisor cùssulyor sciensek

second injection secùnd skîtyans

second wave secùnd todn

selfish honenus

selfishness honenuster

self-isolate omenesa

shambles mothow

shield omwetha

be shielding bos in omwith

shop on-line prenassa wàr lînen

shot pych

side-effect hol-effeth

slide bollbrynt

to social-distance sensy pellder socyal

social distancing pellder socyal

social media mainys socyal

sore throat pain i’n vriansen

spike (in infections) colgh

spread lêsa tr & intr, omlesa intr

sputum trewyas

statistical model model statystyk

statistics statystygyon

statutory sick pay gober cleves dre laha

take steps to gwil musurow / stappys rag

stockpile gwithva stoffyes

stockpile stoffya an withva

strain ehen

super-spreader gorlêsor

super-spreader event wharvedhyans gorlêsa 

supply chain chain a brovians

support package fardel scodhya

support programme fardel scodhya

surge whethfyans sodyn

surgical gown gon chyrùrjery

surgical mask vysour chyrùrjery

survival rate kevrath an sawyans

sustainable sensadow dres termyn

swab swàb

targeted measures musurow costednys

temporary rag tro

test prevy

Test and Trace Prevy-Trouvya

Test and Trace app towlednyk Prevy-Trouvya

test negative for the virus bos prevys negedhek orth an vîrùs

test positive for the virus bos prevys posytyf orth an vîrùs

testing centre cresen prevy

testing kit daffar prevy

throat briansen

tier level

tipping point poynt a drailya an vontol

track-and-trace holya-trouvya

traffic light system kevreth golowys trafyk

transmission (of the virus) treuscorrans

triage dosbarthans

triple-layer tryflek y wely

tweet gorra twit

two metres apart dew vêter alês / an eyl orth y gela

two weeks on, two weeks off dyw seythen rag, dyw seythen mes

uncertainty ancertuster

unlock dystrotha

unlocking dystrothans

people with underlying health problems tus ha yêhes gwadn gansa

unprecedented na veu bythqweth kyns

unselfish anhonenus

unselfishness anhonenuster

unthinking dybreder

do a U-turn trailya in y garn

vaccinate breha

vaccination centre cresen breha

vaccine breghlyn

variant dyffransyn

ventilator gwynsel

viable hewil

use video conferencing pellvetya

viral load begh vîrek

virologist vîrologyth

virtual furvwir

virus vîrùs

visor vysour basnet

vomiting cleves wheja

vulnerable dyscoos

web threads neus gwias

webinar gwiasynar

website gwiasva

without symptoms heb arwedhyow

The World Health Organization (WHO) Cowethyans Yêhes an Bÿs

worst case scenaryô a’n câss lacka oll